Bilingual Education in China: Practices, Policies and Concepts

The complexity and diversity of the linguistic situations, practices, policies and theories of bilingual education is widely acknowledged in a country with a population of 1.3 billion people consisting of 56 officially recognised indigenous nationalities speaking more than 80 languages. This book addresses this complexity and diversity with a comprehensive examination of issues in bilingual education for both minority and majority nationalities in China and explores the links between the two major forms of bilingual education. It includes voices that are ‘emic’ or ‘etic’, local or international, and voices that come from those who work at the forefront of bilingual education or in the development of theory. All these voices are needed as different and divergent perspectives represent a reality.

Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationClevedon
Publisher Multilingual Matters
Number of pages304
ISBN (Electronic)9781853599934
ISBN (Print)9781853599927
Publication status Published - 2007
Externally publishedYes

Publication series

NameBilingual education and bilingualism


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@bookBilingual Education in China: Practices, Policies and Concepts",

abstract = "The complexity and diversity of the linguistic situations, practices, policies and theories of bilingual education is widely acknowledged in a country with a population of 1.3 billion people consisting of 56 officially recognised indigenous nationalities speaking more than 80 languages. This book addresses this complexity and diversity with a comprehensive examination of issues in bilingual education for both minority and majority nationalities in China and explores the links between the two major forms of bilingual education. It includes voices that are emic or etic, local or international, and voices that come from those who work at the forefront of bilingual education or in the development of theory. All these voices are needed as different and divergent perspectives represent a reality.",

keywords = "Bilingualism, Bilingual education, China", author = "Anwei Feng", note = "Publisher Copyright: 2007 Anwei FENG and the authors of individual chapters.", year = "2007", language = "English", isbn = "9781853599927", series = "Bilingual education and bilingualism", publisher = "Multilingual Matters",

Feng, A 2007, Bilingual Education in China: Practices, Policies and Concepts . Bilingual education and bilingualism, vol. 64, Multilingual Matters, Clevedon .

Research output : Book/Report › Book › peer-review

T1 - Bilingual Education in China

T2 - Practices, Policies and Concepts

N1 - Publisher Copyright: © 2007 Anwei FENG and the authors of individual chapters.

N2 - The complexity and diversity of the linguistic situations, practices, policies and theories of bilingual education is widely acknowledged in a country with a population of 1.3 billion people consisting of 56 officially recognised indigenous nationalities speaking more than 80 languages. This book addresses this complexity and diversity with a comprehensive examination of issues in bilingual education for both minority and majority nationalities in China and explores the links between the two major forms of bilingual education. It includes voices that are ‘emic’ or ‘etic’, local or international, and voices that come from those who work at the forefront of bilingual education or in the development of theory. All these voices are needed as different and divergent perspectives represent a reality.

AB - The complexity and diversity of the linguistic situations, practices, policies and theories of bilingual education is widely acknowledged in a country with a population of 1.3 billion people consisting of 56 officially recognised indigenous nationalities speaking more than 80 languages. This book addresses this complexity and diversity with a comprehensive examination of issues in bilingual education for both minority and majority nationalities in China and explores the links between the two major forms of bilingual education. It includes voices that are ‘emic’ or ‘etic’, local or international, and voices that come from those who work at the forefront of bilingual education or in the development of theory. All these voices are needed as different and divergent perspectives represent a reality.

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PB - Multilingual Matters

Feng A . Bilingual Education in China: Practices, Policies and Concepts . Clevedon : Multilingual Matters, 2007. 304 p. (Bilingual education and bilingualism).