EPA Quality Management Tools for Organizations

EPA has developed or adapted several quality management tools to assist in implementing its quality program. The tools and scope of activities supporting the EPA Quality Program differ at each level of the organization.

See the EPA's Terminology Search Web service for definitions of EPA's Quality Program terms.

On this page:

Quality Management Plans

Quality Management Plans

A Quality Management Plan documents how an organization will plan, implement, and assess the effectiveness of its quality assurance and quality control operations. Specifically, it describes how an organization structures its

The elements of a quality program are documented in a Quality Management Plan. Both EPA organizations and organizations performing data collection activities funded by EPA are required to document their quality programs.

The Quality Management Plan is an organization or program-specific document; it describes the general practices of an organization or program. Project-specific details of individual projects of the organization or program are documented in a Quality Assurance Project Plan (see QA Project Plans).

Thus, the Quality Management Plan may be viewed as the "umbrella" document under which individual projects are conducted.


Quality Program Assessments

Quality Program Assessments

Assessments add value to a quality program by promoting and supporting continuous improvement. EPA's quality program, in conformance with national consensus standards, requires that each organization assess the effectiveness of its quality programs' implementation.

Although organizations are expected to assess themselves, they may also need to assess or be assessed by others in EPA's quality program whose environmental information operations are linked by funding. EPA's EQMD also performs assessments of EPA organization's Quality Program on a 5-year cycle.

A Quality Program Assessment is used to verify, by examination and evaluations of objective evidence, that applicable elements of the quality program are appropriate and have been

in accordance and in conjunction with specified specifications. The focus of these assessments is on the quality program process not on evaluating the quality of specific products -- not judging the quality of environmental information or the performance of personnel or programs.

Where quality programs are being developed or not fully implemented, a less rigorous Management Systems Review may be applied instead of a Quality Program Assessment.


Examples and Other On-Line Resources

QA Annual Report and Work Plans

Best Practice

EPA requires annual reviews and planning of the quality program resources and activities for each EPA organization's quality program in a Quality Assurance Annual Report and Work Plan (QAARWP).

The QAARWP is used to report on changes to an organization's quality program (as documented in its approved Quality Management Plan) and provide information on the previous year's quality management activities and those planned for the coming year.

Topics addressed include quality program resources and their adequacy and activities undertaken for the management and implementation of the quality program.

Example activities include

QAARWPs are submitted annually to the Enterprise Quality Management Division (EQMD), Office of Records, Administrative Systems and eDiscovery (ORASE), Office of Mission Support.

All Federal Agencies participate in two other annual self assessment activities that are related to quality. They are the Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA) planning and reporting activities and the Federal Manager's Financial Integrity Act (FMFIA) declarations of material weaknesses.

Other On-Line Resources



Other On-Line Resources

Laboratory On-Line Resources

Laboratory On-Line Resources