Writing a Strong Student Resume: What to Highlight and How

Creating a strong student resume is critical when applying for internships, part-time jobs, or even post-graduation positions. It is the first step to grab the attention of potential employers and showcase your skills and experience.

This article aims to guide students on how to write a strong resume by highlighting relevant experiences, achievements, and skills. We will cover various aspects such as formatting, content, and tips to make your resume stand out from others.

Throughout this article, we will discuss each section in detail, providing examples and insight into what employers want to see on a student’s resume. Additionally, we will provide suggestions on how to tailor your resume to match specific job descriptions and industries.

By following the tips and advice provided in this article, you will be able to create a resume that not only highlights your experience and skills but also showcases why you are the perfect candidate for the job.

Let’s get started on writing a strong student resume!

Understanding the Purpose of a Student Resume

A student resume is a document that showcases a student’s skills, achievements, and experiences. The purpose of a student resume is to convince potential employers, colleges or universities that the student is the right candidate for the job or position they are seeking.

What is the Purpose of a Student Resume?

The purpose of a student resume is to highlight the student’s academic achievements, extracurricular activities, volunteer work, and any other relevant experiences that make them a strong candidate for the position they’re applying for. A student resume is an essential tool for securing a job or gaining admission to a college or university.

Target Audience

The target audience of a student resume can vary depending on the purpose of the document. It could be potential employers, colleges or universities, scholarships, or internships. Therefore, it’s essential to tailor the resume to the specific target audience.

Key Elements to Include

A student resume should be tailored to the position or institution the student is applying for. Here are a few key elements to include in a student resume:

  1. Personal Information: A student’s name and contact information (phone number and email) must be at the top of the resume.
  2. Education: The student’s academic background and any relevant coursework.
  3. Work Experience: Any relevant work experience, including part-time jobs or internships.
  4. Skills and Abilities: Any relevant skills and abilities that would benefit the position or institution, such as language proficiency, software proficiency, or presentation skills.
  5. Extracurricular Activities and Volunteer Work: Any relevant extracurricular activities or volunteer work that demonstrate the student’s leadership, teamwork, and community involvement.
  6. Awards and Recognition: Any awards or recognition the student has received for academic achievements or outstanding accomplishments.

A student resume can be a game-changer when it comes to securing a job or admission to a college or university. When creating a student resume, it’s critical to understand its purpose, tailor it to the target audience, and include essential elements that highlight the student’s strengths and experiences.

Formatting Your Student Resume

When it comes to creating a strong student resume, formatting is just as important as the content you include. The right formatting can make your resume stand out in a sea of applicants, so it’s important to pay attention to these fundamental components:

Formatting Basics

Before you dive into the design of your resume, make sure you have a clear understanding of what a resume is and what it should include. A resume is a document that summarizes your professional and academic experience and highlights your qualifications for a particular role or job.

To create an effective resume, you need to present your information in a clear and organized way. Use headings, bullet points, and bold text to break up long paragraphs and make your resume easier to read.

Choosing the Right Font and Spacing

The right font and spacing can make your resume look professional and polished. Consider using a font like Arial, Calibri, or Times New Roman, and make sure your text is at least 10 or 11 points in size.

When it comes to spacing, use a 1-inch margin around the entire page and divide your sections with a double space. This will give your resume a clean and organized feel.

Tips for Enhancing Readability

Your resume should be easy to read at a glance, so it’s important to use layout and design principles to enhance its readability.

Consider using white space to break up sections and make your resume less cluttered. Use icons or graphics sparingly to highlight important information.

Another way to enhance readability is to focus on the content of your resume. Use strong action verbs and quantifiable data to demonstrate your achievements and accomplishments. This will help your resume stand out to potential employers.

The formatting of your student resume can make a significant difference in its effectiveness. Following these tips for formatting basics, choosing the right font and spacing, and enhancing readability can make your resume stand out and increase your chances of getting hired.

Writing a Compelling Objective Statement/Summary

When crafting your student resume, it’s important to include a clear and concise objective statement or summary to capture the attention of potential employers.

The difference between an objective statement and a summary

An objective statement is a brief statement that outlines what you hope to achieve in your career, while a summary offers a snapshot of your professional experience and highlights your key accomplishments. Objective statements are generally preferred for entry-level positions, while summaries are more appropriate for professionals with more experience.

Tips for writing a strong objective statement or summary

  1. Keep it concise: Your objective statement or summary should be no more than a few sentences.
  2. Tailor it to the position: Your statement should highlight how your skills and experience align with the job you’re applying for.
  3. Use strong, action-oriented language: Focus on your accomplishments and the results you’ve achieved in past experiences.
  4. Be specific: Avoid vague language and focus on specifics, such as the skills you’ve developed, projects you’ve led, or awards you’ve earned.

Examples of effective objective statements and summaries

Objective Statement

“As a recent graduate with a degree in marketing, my objective is to leverage my skills in digital marketing and social media management to help companies increase brand awareness and drive sales.”


“Experienced marketing professional with a background in digital marketing, social media management, and project management. Led successful campaigns that increased brand awareness and drove sales. Skilled in analyzing data to inform marketing strategies and developing engaging content for multiple platforms.”

Remember, your objective statement or summary is the first thing potential employers will read on your resume. Make sure it’s compelling and accurately reflects your skills and experience to stand out from the competition.

Showcasing Relevant Coursework and Experience

When it comes to building a strong student resume, showcasing relevant coursework and experience can make all the difference. Here are some tips for doing just that:

Highlighting academic achievements

Academic achievements give potential employers an idea of your level of knowledge and expertise in a particular field. Highlighting academic achievements can range from listing courses relevant to the job you’re applying for or including your grade point average (GPA) if it’s high. Make sure you tailor these achievements to the job you’re applying for, as not all courses will be relevant.

Discussing work/internship experience

Work or internship experience is another way to showcase your skills and abilities. It’s important to include relevant work or internship experience, focusing on the skills you gained and the tasks you completed. Use active language to communicate your experience, such as “developed marketing strategies” or “managed a team of employees.” Remember to quantify your achievements with numbers when possible, such as “increased sales by 20%.”

How to showcase extracurricular activities

While academic achievements and work/internship experience are essential, extracurricular activities can add an extra layer of depth to your resume. Activities such as clubs, volunteer work, or leadership positions demonstrate your interests and passions, as well as your ability to manage your time effectively. When discussing extracurricular activities, highlight the skills and responsibilities you gained from those experiences. Were you a leader in a club? Explain how you organized events and managed a team of peers. Did you volunteer at a local non-profit? Discuss how you developed communication and teamwork skills.

By showcasing your academic achievements, work/internship experience, and extracurricular activities, you can create a well-rounded student resume that stands out to potential employers and sets you up for success.

Emphasizing Key Skills

When writing a student resume, it’s essential to highlight your top skills that make you stand out from the competition. Start by identifying your key skills, such as proficient in a particular software, strong communication skills or leadership ability.

Once you know your top skills, make sure to incorporate keywords related to the job you’re applying to. Look for keywords in the job description, and use similar language throughout your resume. This will show the employer that you possess the necessary skills for the position.

Transferable skills, such as teamwork or problem-solving, are worth emphasizing in your resume, even if they don’t directly relate to the job. To highlight these skills, provide specific examples of when you utilized them in previous experiences, such as a team project or volunteer work.

Take the time to identify your top skills, use keywords related to the job, and highlight transferable skills through specific examples. By doing so, your student resume will showcase your strengths and increase your chances of landing your dream job.

Quantifying Your Achievements

When it comes to writing a strong student resume, showcasing your achievements in a clear and concise manner is crucial. While listing your accomplishments is a great start, the real impact comes when you quantify them. Here are some tips for quantifying your achievements and making your resume stand out.

The importance of quantifying your achievements

Quantifying your achievements provides concrete evidence of your abilities and accomplishments. It shows a potential employer that you have a track record of success and that you can bring value to their organization. Rather than just stating that you were a member of a club or organization, quantify your involvement by citing how many events you helped organize or how much money you helped raise.

Tips for showcasing achievements using numbers

Examples of quantified achievements

By quantifying your achievements, you demonstrate your ability to achieve results and contribute to the success of an organization. Make sure to update your resume with specific numbers and metrics that showcase your abilities and experience.

Addressing Employment Gaps or Lack of Experience

When it comes to writing a strong student resume, having gaps in employment or a lack of work experience can be daunting. However, there are strategies that you can use to address these issues, tips to highlight relevant skills and experience, and examples that can help you showcase your abilities, even in the absence of work experience.

Strategies for addressing gaps in employment or lack of work experience

If you have gaps in your employment history or lack work experience, there are a few things you can do to address these issues on your resume:

Tips for highlighting relevant skills and experience

There are several strategies that you can use to highlight your skills and experience, even if you don’t have traditional work experience:

Reviewing and Editing Your Student Resume

Your student resume is a reflection of yourself, so it’s important to take the time to proofread and edit it thoroughly. Here are some tips on how to ensure that your resume is free from errors and stands out from the competition.

How to Proofread and Edit Your Resume

  1. Take a break: After you’ve finished writing your resume, step away from it for a while. This will give you a fresh perspective when you come back to it later.
  2. Read it out loud: This is a great way to catch errors and awkward phrasing.
  3. Use spell check: This is a basic step that should not be skipped. However, do not rely solely on spell check as it may not catch all errors.
  4. Get a second opinion: Have someone else read your resume and give you feedback. They may catch something that you missed.
  5. Customize it: Tailor your resume to the specific job that you’re applying for. A generic resume won’t stand out as much as one that’s tailored to the job listing.

Common Resume Mistakes to Avoid

  1. Typos and grammatical errors: As mentioned before, this is a basic step that should not be overlooked.
  2. Listing irrelevant experience: Only include experience that is relevant to the job you’re applying for.
  3. Using an unprofessional email address: Use a professional email address that includes your name, rather than something like “ [email protected] “.
  4. Being too vague: Use specific details to describe your achievements and experiences.
  5. Ignoring keywords: Many employers use software to scan resumes for certain keywords. Make sure that the keywords from the job listing are included in your resume.

Tips for Making Your Resume Stand Out

  1. Highlight your achievements: Don’t just list your responsibilities. Instead, highlight the accomplishments you achieved while in that position.
  2. Quantify your achievements: Use numbers to show the impact that you made, such as “increased sales by 30%”.
  3. Use action verbs: Start each bullet point with a strong action verb, such as “created”, “managed”, or “analyzed”.
  4. Keep it concise: Your resume should be no longer than one page, so only include the most important and relevant information.
  5. Use design elements: While you don’t want to overdo it, using design elements such as bold font or color can help your resume stand out visually.

By following these tips, you can ensure that your student resume is error-free, professional, and stands out from the competition.

Creating a Cover Letter to Supplement Your Student Resume

When it comes to applying for a job, your cover letter is just as important as your student resume. It provides an opportunity for you to introduce yourself to potential employers and convey your interest in the position. Here are some tips to help you write a successful cover letter.

Understanding the Purpose of a Cover Letter

The purpose of a cover letter is to explain why you are the ideal candidate for the job. It should highlight your relevant skills and experiences, and show how they align with the requirements of the position. A good cover letter should also showcase your enthusiasm for the job and the company, and convey your interest in the field.

Tips for Writing a Successful Cover Letter

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